About Us

Our Pastor

Reverend Brenda Ann Brown received her calling from God as a teenager and is currently fulfilling the Lord's plan for her life. In addition to being educated at Universities located both in Boston and New York, Reverend Brown has been a member of Massachusetts Avenue Baptist Church for over 30 years and was ordained as Senior Pastor of
Massachusetts Avenue Baptist Church in April, 2015. She has served on a number of ministries and in February of 2015 Rev. Brown was awarded the NAACP award for community service, for her work in the City of Cambridge and surrounding communities.

As the Executive Director of the Project Manna Food Program, it brings her great joy to be able to serve God’s people by providing hot nutritious meals to those who are in need.  Reverend Brown currently serves on a number of local committees such as The Boston Ministers in Action, The Cambridge Black Pastors Alliance, The Covering Pastors Association, The Baptist Ministers Conference of Boston & Vicinity, and as a member of the Scleroderma Foundation National Board.  Her service to Gods people
extends as far as London, England where she empowers and encourages
other women and leaders to use the gifts that God has given them.
Reverend Brown’s work as one of God's missionaries has followed her throughout her life's journey as she is committed to promoting the interests and welfare of those who are unable to promote themselves and actively advocating for the advancement of people of color and those whom God puts in her path. She truly has a heart for ministry, service, and living life to
the Glory of God.

Massachusetts Avenue Baptist Church was founded in 1890 when a small group of believers began what was then known as the Mt. Olive Baptist Church. After several years, a new facility was built facing Mass. Ave., and we changed our name to the Massachusetts Avenue Baptist Church. Progress did not stop, and in 1923 our present facility was purchased at 146 Hampshire Street.

The Massachusetts Avenue Baptist Church (MABC) is affiliated with the American Baptist Churches, USA. We are an evangelical ministry. All this simply means that we are a Bible believing and teaching church. Our belief is that Jesus is the answer for the world today, and that He promises everlasting life and abundance to all who believe in Him. Further, we believe that God’s word (the Bible) when believed, confessed, and adhered to, will set mankind free from various bondage's, which prevent us from experiencing the life of abundance that God promises to those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe in the present-day ministry and operation of the Holy Spirit.

Mission Statement
MABC exists to be a place where persons know and worship God, and make Him known to others. We offer a purpose to live for; power to live on, people to live with, principles to live by, and a profession to live out.

Church Covenant

Having been led, as we believe, by the Spirit of God to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour; and on the profession of our faith having been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we do now in the presence of God, angels and this assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another, as one body in Christ.


We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to walk together in Christian love; to strive for the advancement of this church in knowledge and holiness; to give it a place in our affections, prayers and services above every organization of human origin; to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline and doctrine; to contribute cheerfully and regularly, as God has prospered us, towards its expenses, for the support of a faithful and evangelical ministry among us, the relief of the poor and the spread of the Gospel throughout the world.  In case of difference of opinion in the church, we will strive to avoid a contentious spirit, and if we cannot unanimously agree, we will cheerfully recognize the right of the majority to govern.


We also engage to maintain family and secret devotion; to study diligently the word of God; to religiously educate our children; to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintance; to walk circumspectly in the world; to be kind and just to those in our employ, and faithful in the service we promise others; endeavoring in the purity of heart and good will towards all men to exemplify and commend our holy faith.


We further engage to watch over, to pray for, to exhort and stir up each other unto every good word and work; to guard each other’s reputation, not needlessly exposing the infirmities of others; to participate in each other’s joys, and with tender sympathy bear one another’s burdens and sorrows; to cultivate Christian courtesy; to be slow to give or take offense, but always ready for reconciliation, being mindful of the rules of the Saviour in the eighteenth chapter of Matthew, to secure it without delay; and through life, amid evil report, and good report, to seek to live to the glory of God, who hath called us out of darkness into his marvelous light.


When we remove from this place, we engage as soon as possible to unite with some other church where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God’s word.


Taken from the “The New Progressive Baptist Hymnal”

Copyright 1977

Church Covenant
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